Thursday, November 11, 2010

Obama need to man up

I don't normally post or rant about politic in a public format, but i just can't stand how the Democrats and the white house is handling the Republican's bullying tactics.

I consider myself an independent with social concern and some form of fiscal responsibility. We have to balance the budget as well as providing social services to our citizens that are in need.

There are ways to do this, and giving a tax cut to the top 2% of the riches people is not one of those ways. I don't mind paying a little more taxes if it will help my city with school funding, road repair and other infrastructure projects. Hell if we didn't have taxes to pay for all the public roads and park we would all still be driving on dirt roads.

As for the health care reform; I wish the Dem didn't falter to the repug. and took out the public option and installed the mandate. The only thing that everyone hates about the HCR is the mandate that everyone has to buy insurance, and that is what everyone is fighting the HCR on.

Take out the mandate and I bet you people will shut up about it. Add in a public option and the health insurance company will have to compete for customers so they cant keep on raising rates and cutting benefit.

We all know that the current republicans in DC want to deny Obama any kind of success, so why is he still trying to reach across the party line to work with them. They already said it in public that they want him to fail.

So i just have to say this, President Barrack Obama; Grow some balls and man up to the republican, stand up for what you believe and the people who voted you into office. They even gave you the house and senate in 08 and you failed to capitalize on the opportunity. Instead you backed down to the party of no, If you show the public how the republican are and what their agenda is, the real public ( those that voted for you) will support you.

But if all you are worried about is the Tea party ( a minority in the voting block) and do things that isn't in the favor of your party and independents then you will see a repeat of the current midterm result.

So man up Obama and fight these republican, let the current bush tax cut expire and draft a new tax cut for the middle class and the real small business and not the hedge fund guys. Do this and i bet you the real public, ( those that aren't use in some poll) will be find with it.

I think i', done ranting now, thanks for your time

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Heading up to Gooseberry Fall

With the fall colors coming into full swing, I'll be heading up to gooseberry falls State Park for the weekend in Oct 8th-10th to take some pictures and do some camping and backpacking.

The weather is starting to get a little bit colder, I just hope that it doesn't get too cold when I am up there. I also think I'll be doing a lot more backpacking this fall; visiting any state park in Minn when possible.

I am also booking any senior portraits and wedding for the remaining season as well as for next year. so If you know anyone that would like to have their wedding or portraits done, let me know or have them visit my website.

well later and I'll update you all on my trip.