Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New year

It is a new year, but yet it still feels like it still 2010. All I got to say is that I am not going to make any new year resolution since I can't seem to stick to it anyway.

The one thing I have notice is that 2010 has went by fast. at least we don't have to deal with any election ads for a whole year.

Last nights New years eve party at Ducks was a blast. everyone got drunk, danced and had their pictures taken. I will have the photo up in a few days for viewing.

This year i will be booking more shoots, either paid, or TFP. most of the shoot will be on location so if anyone is interested in having their pictures taken or want to give modeling a try, contact me and we can work something out.

I am also looking for a few swimsuit Models for some shoot coming this summer.

For now all i have to say is Happy New Year and i will see you soon

Y'all come back now ya hear.