Thursday, August 4, 2011

My First

I normally don't hate work or the job I have to do. But for the first time in my whole life, i have found a job that no matter how much you pay me,i don't think I will do it.

The work it self isn't hard, i guess with some time it would be easy. It is just the people that is suppose to train you, that makes the work some what unenjoy able. My hand are all blistered from handling the hot plastic modeling, and the gloves that i was given , didn't do shit.

Will I go back, Hell no. well maybe if i didn't already have a new job offer, and the new job looks more promising.

I guess I should say I hate the job, maybe i just don't like doing that kind of work anymore. I went to school so I can get out of those hard laboring job. But when you need work and nothing is coming your way, what is there to do.

Work, and do what ever work you can get, and if that work sucks; stick with it or quit. but make sure you have some other work line up before you quit. And in my case I do.

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